Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Thoughts on the Nabla Soul Blooming Palette

Let's talk about instant, gut reactions to things, like makeup products. Sometimes they can be a good indicator of how effectively did the brand present their product.

When I saw the Nabla Soul Blooming palette, after days of thinking I was going to buy it, I gasped. And not in a good way.

Before I go any further, I want to remind you all that because this is an anti-haul, it will be a critical and at times negative perspective. This is done to curb spending, if needed.

So, let's look at this palette.

Let's also look at their very popular predecessor to this palette, the dreamy palette:
Image result for nabla soul palette
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Though I did not buy the Dreamy palette, I did shop my stash for it and wrote up a pretty large post about it.

While Soul Blooming is a lot more intense, color-wise, I do see a lot of parallels. 

I also see in the SB palette a very popular duochrome- a lavender-blue shift. This can be found as Twilight in the Huda Desert Dusk palette, as well as plenty of others, if you look at the dupes on Temptalia.
Image result for huda desert dusk
also $65, more product and colors

I also get Colourpop palette vibes from the SB palette.

Finally, I know for a fact that I can dupe the majority of the palette. I think many people can. The only two shades that are super distinct are the dark blue and periwinkle. Personally, I don't use those shades, but a person could easily get their hands on a single of those particular shades, actually use them, and save money.

I am quite disappointed and think that Nabla played it far too safe. Maybe next time, I guess.

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