Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Covergirl TruNaked Peach Punch Eyeshadow Palette: Review and Swatches

Is it bad that I forgot I owned this?

As I was prepping for a skin care declutter (more on that later), I found the palette among all of my skin care products, and I realized I never did give it a good go. So, today I bring to you my results!

The TruNaked line from Covergirl costs about $10.00 per palette. Many of them dupe higher-end palettes, but some do not. The one I purchased, Peach Punch, is meant to dupe the Too Faced Peach Palette, which I have never tried.

Also notable is that the Trunaked line uses a "slurry" formula, as coined by Musings of a Muse, to describe the manufacturing process of pouring the product into the pans, as opposed to pressing loose powder. Maybelline also has this in their City Mini and Lemonade/Soda palettes.

I am somewhat a fan of the slurry type of eyeshadows. However, I do find that when they are tricky, they can be a double-edged sword-the metallics end up being too subdued, and the mattes too soft and easily muddied. Is that true of this palette, though?

Let's get into pictures.

Each shade is swatched below on the back of my hand, which was primed with a foundation mix I was trying out (it did not go well- the mix, I mean).

On the back of my hand, the matte browns were very vivid and pigmented, par the course. The coral/peach matte, which actually contains lavender microshimmers that do not appear on the arm, swatched terribly- even with my finger over primed skin! Some of the more neutral shimmers appear to swatch evenly and with intensity. 

I did two eye looks. The first is a very standard eye look I thought most people would go for when using this palette. 

On primed eyes (that I did NOT set), I first went in with the coral matte on my crease. It seemed to apply evenly and with pigment, but then I went in with the mid-toned reddish brown, located at the far right of the palette. That's when things got a bit muddy and patchy. 

Still, I soldiered on, and applied glitter glue to my lid. I then applied the second shade in the palette, a pink shimmer with gold reflects, which barely showed up on my lid. 

Feeling a bit forlorn, I decided to go an all-shimmer route for Look #2, using  the two colors that swatched the best. I applied glitter glue all over my lid and applied the fifth shade- a brown champagne shimmer- to the inner half on my eye, and the seventh shade- a dark brown shimmer- on the outer corner. Taking a pointed-tip fluffy brush, I carefully applied the two shimmers above my crease, blending them together. 

I really liked how this look came out! 

Let's get to the bottom line. Would I repurchase this palette? No, not at all. It was a bit redundant to begin with, considering what my collection looks like.

You should know that the mattes are finicky- do not use more than one at a time (when it comes to blending). The neutral shimmers are lovely, but not very metallic, and not very unique.

The peach smell, before I forget, is okay. I am pretty sensitive when it comes to fragrances, and this one did not bother me.

I have to say that I don't recommend this palette. I think there are better options out there.

Thanks for reading!

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